Sunstone Ring Yellow B SOLD

Views: 2481


This is a beautiful clear yellow Sunstone Ring that is fun to watch the colors dance when moving it in different lights.  The sunstone was cut, polished and completed by hand in Reno, Nevada USA.

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This is a beautiful clear yellow Sunstone Ring that was handcrafted in Reno, Nevada USA.  This transparent gemstone is so clear you can see through to the Silver on the back.  This wonderful clear gemstone is approximately 3/4″ x 3/4″ and has Fine Silver on the back.  The Sterling Silver Double Ring Band is approximately size 8-1/2.  The coloring of this special gemstone is very close to Citrine and could easily be paired with a pendant or necklace set to make a nice ensemble.

Dimensions .75 × .75 in


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