Charoite Ring Purple B SOLD

Views: 2005


This beautiful purple Charoite gemstone came from Siberia and has custom made Sterling Silver on the sides.  The stone and ring were handcrafted in Reno NV USA.  This is a very popular stone because it has so much personality with the shades of iridescence throughout.  This real stone is approximately 1″ x 1″.  The ring size is approximately 7-1/2.

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Purple Charoite Gemstone is wonderful in all the various shades created with its’ luminescence throughout.  Although this limited stone comes from Siberia, this beautiful purple Charoite Ring was Made in Reno, Nevada USA by hand.  We select the stones that have great color as well as design in the stone and cut and polish each one with great care.  This special purple ring is a medium sized stone, approximately 1″ x 1″ and has Sterling Silver bezel on the sides to help accentuate the different areas of the stone.  The back is Fine Silver that was custom made for this beautiful gemstone.  The Sterling Silver Ring band is approximately size 7.  If you are looking for a beautiful purple ring, this one has both dark and light purples that really stand out.





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